The Hidden Obama || The Forgotten American Indian

Obama is the first United States President, in modern times, to be both a part of and embraced by the American Indian community.

He is the first United States President, in modern times, who has the power to change the world as we know it. He has the power, and a mandate, to change our relationship with Russia, China, and even the Middle East.

Yet he is damaged, limited and deeply infected with a strange timidity. Like many truly enlightened people, he suffers from an inability to take a full and conscious responsibility for his position, for his following, for the justified hopes of a waiting world

Obama has shown a disturbing preference for the corrupt and greedy financial barons, the one per cent of industrialists and corporate, financial executives that have so pillaged and endangered our world. He likes these people. He even seems to trust them….more than he trusts the old Indians who adopted him or the ordinary human beings who love him and carried him to his exalted position in human history. His strange desire to be loved by the elite militarists and corporate gangsters that have guided the war machine of the United States since World War Two is such a strange artifact. Obama has the power to cast them off, but embraces them instead.

Thousands of years ago, the wise scholars of ancient Chinese society warned the powerful and the mighty about the toxic nature of false modesty. False modesty is a condition that enables changers and leaders to prefer to insist they are just like everyone else, that they are not special. 

Over the next four years this part American Indian man could change the entire world into a truly safer and more beautiful place. Yet, the chances that he will actually pay attention and do this is very low, perhaps even impossible. Not because of his opposition. His opposition are essentially a collection of people so crazy, so stupid, and so lost inside their own bubbles and fantasies as to be powerless. Yet, like false modesty, the so-called forces of opposition are taken seriously rather than being laughed off the stage entirely. The leaders of the US Senate and the US House of Representatives are  a group of nearly unprecedented incompetence, yet they continue to define the agenda for the United States and serve as fools who continue to endanger the world itself.

We know Obama has a close relationship with the white men who are voices of the toxic United States war regime and its policies. It is sad that he has not taken one or two of the Old American Indians into his advisory circle. By surrounding himself with these consistent slaves of the military-industrial empire, to the exclusion of all other voices, practically guarantees that his potential will not be realized.

He has not looked for even a second outside of the bubble for voices to advise him. Every person around him is a slave to the status quo. There is not a single outsider close to this US President. His choices for the people he surrounds himself with are a product of his timidity, of his inability to really understand the unique position the world has put him in to bring the human race forward. His so-called patience and good manners are the consequences of being a person of color in a white-dominated society. Instead of overcoming and transcending the racists forces which cultivated these personality traits, he has strangely embraced them and accepted them as something good….instead of recognizing that these qualities were imposed upon him from the outside. Thereby he refuses to listen to the voice within and has made it all but impossible for a voice from the outside to be heard inside the bubble he has embraced by his well-intentioned timidity.

The old Indians would like to see Obama in a sacred Pipe ceremony, inside the Sweat Lodge or perhaps at a Sun Dance. These ancient ceremonies are called “Correction Ceremonies” by the old Indians. They serve humanity and community by requiring the participants to put, up front, their personal responsibility and awareness of their choices, of their personal lives. To the American Indians, these ceremonies are required of anyone in a leadership position. These ceremonies are powerful. Through these ceremonies the American Indian has survived generations of murder, genocide and destruction aimed at them from modern society. Those who embrace these ceremonies grow in service to humanity and gain personal power to keep faith with their inner vision amidst the noise and self serving interests of those who believe they are in power. They repair timidity and false humility and demand personal accountability to our responsibility to the seven generations.

These services are available to this United States President. Yet, the American Indian, even the part that is inside this US President, remain at the end of every line, at the bottom of every list and forgotten in every appointment.

If the American Indian inside this president would actually wake up and do something, the whole world would change. Obama should have waited for his chance. Really. Mrs. Clinton should be and have been our US President. Obama proves every day his promise, but also proves he was not yet ready to be the man the Mystery Life was building to help our world. But it is never to late to wake up. Perhaps the internal rot and explosion taking place in the GOP will help him, and us, yet realize his potential.

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